About Dr. Ehsan Bayat
An internationally recognized humanitarian based in his home country of Afghanistan, Ehsan Bayat is the founder of the Bayat Foundation. The charitable organization is dedicated to addressing important humanitarian concerns in Afghanistan and has sponsored more than 300 projects across the country. The Bayat Foundation focuses many of its efforts on public health issues, such… Continue Reading
5 Key Capabilities of a Smash Hit Smartphone App
In today's digital era, businesses must prioritize establishing online visibility, allowing them to engage with a diverse audience of internet-savvy consumers regardless of location and time of day. The increasing trend of smartphone-driven purchases underscores the...
6 Trends Predicted to Disrupt the Global Smartphone Market in 2024
The worldwide smartphone market was valued at $457.18 billion in 2021. Analysts predict a rise to $792.51 billion by 2029, the market being expected to exhibit a robust compound annual growth rate of 7.3 percent. The smartphone sector declined in 2020 compared with...
How Are Telecommunications Advancements Spurring Growth in Developing Nations?
In developing countries, a lack of infrastructure, skills, resources, and regulation presents considerable challenges for the telecommunications industry. Nevertheless, companies are increasingly coming to recognize that with these challenges come considerable...
10 Things You Need to Know about the ITU and World Telecommunication Day
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) is an annual celebration staged at various global locations each year. WTISD’s goal is to raise awareness about the crucial role of telecommunications and associated technologies in promoting global economic...
How Is 5G Transforming the Landscape of Mobile Phone Technology?
Until relatively recently, most businesses in the United States and beyond were rooted in one place, tied to a physical location, and only able to take payments via fixed cash registers. However, in an increasingly digitized world, a new breed of business is utilizing...
7 of the Most Popular Health and Fitness Smartphone Apps of 2023
According to research from Business of Apps, the global fitness app market grew from $680 million in 2016 to $5.35 billion in 2021. This astronomical growth was driven by a combination of factors, chief among them the increasing proliferation of smartphones, the...