International Business Etiquette picMany people do not realize how large a role etiquette plays in their daily lives until they enter a foreign country where the rules of decorum can change dramatically. In the world of international business, proper etiquette can seal a deal, while a social faux pas can destroy the chances of a lasting partnership. For this reason, professionals traveling abroad must research the social customs of the countries they plan to visit and ensure that they conduct themselves properly.

Etiquette affects nearly every aspect of behavior, even something as simple and basic as exchanging business cards. In the Middle East, for example, individuals generally avoid exchanging cards with their left hands. In China and Japan, people use both hands to give and receive business cards. In these countries, many business professionals expect a comment or compliment on the card, unlike in the United States, where people typically stash it quickly into a pocket.

Other aspects of conducting business affected by etiquette include personal space, giving gifts, and even methods of communication. In the United Kingdom and Japan, indirect communication is preferred over direct speech, unlike in Holland and Denmark. In Brazil, interrupting a speaker is not considered rude. By learning these rules, business professionals can ensure that they do not offend their international colleagues.