by Ehsan Bayat | Dec 27, 2018 | Business, Development, Energy, Internet, Productivity, Technology
If you work in a creative field—whether you’re a writer or an architect, a communications specialist or a musician—you’ve probably experienced your share of creative blocks: tough periods where the creative juices just aren’t flowing and new ideas are in short...
by Ehsan Bayat | Dec 25, 2018 | Business, Development, Education, Entertainment, Internet, Productivity, Technology, Wifi
If you’re a podcast lover, you may have been tempted by the idea of starting a podcast of your own. And why not? Given the remarkable popularity of podcasts and the broad range of forms they take and topics they cover, it seems likely that there’s a prospective...
by Ehsan Bayat | Dec 21, 2018 | Charity, Ehsan Bayat, Employees, Health, Medicine, Productivity, Technology
Cooperation, Commitment—and most importantly, Compassion—are the three precious qualities we need, so that we can grow and move forward, as individuals, and together, as a nation. Throughout our five-day, October 1st to October 5th Bayat-Starkey 2018 Afghanistan...
by Ehsan Bayat | Dec 20, 2018 | Business, Education, Health, Internet, Iphone, Medicine, Phone Services, Productivity, Technology, Wireless Service
The next time you go for a medical checkup, don’t be surprised if you see your doctor pull out her smartphone. No, she’s not texting or checking her e-mail; she’s likely consulting one of the growing number of apps that are specially designed to help medical...
by Ehsan Bayat | Dec 18, 2018 | Cellular Phone, Development, Education, Energy, Internet, Phone Services, Productivity, Technology
Few iPhone issues are more frustrating than a device that keeps shutting off for no apparent reason. This is particularly irritating if you’re in the middle of making an important call or watching your favorite movie. The problem could be caused by several different...
by Ehsan Bayat | Dec 13, 2018 | Cellular Phone, Development, Education, Entertainment, Games, Internet, Phone Services, Productivity, Technology
Today’s parents face many tough choices around children and technology. Particularly tricky is the question of when children should get their first smartphones. On the one hand, owning a smartphone can be an important part of a child’s growing independence. However,...