About Dr. Ehsan Bayat
An internationally recognized humanitarian based in his home country of Afghanistan, Ehsan Bayat is the founder of the Bayat Foundation. The charitable organization is dedicated to addressing important humanitarian concerns in Afghanistan and has sponsored more than 300 projects across the country. The Bayat Foundation focuses many of its efforts on public health issues, such… Continue Reading
What You Need to Know about Face ID vs. Touch ID
According to recent survey data from the Pew Research Center, 28% of American smartphone owners say they don’t use a screen lock to secure their devices. And while the Pew report didn’t go into specific details as to why not, it’s quite easy to imagine some of the...
6 of the Latest Statistics about Smartphones
The smartphone market is changing so quickly these days that it’s easy for statistics on important issues such as smartphone ownership and usage to become outdated almost as soon as they’re released. When you’re dealing with a type of technology that’s evolving as...
How to Protect Your Cell Phone from Hackers
We often think of data breaches occurring because a large corporation’s servers have been hacked by sophisticated scam artists. However, your smartphone is basically a small computer and can be hacked, as well. Sophisticated hackers are tapping into smartphones at an...
Tips and Tricks to Make the Most of Your Smartphone
Today's smartphones have so many features that most people don’t actually use all of them. While newer phones are more intuitive by nature, there are a myriad of tips and tricks that can help users to get the most from them. While you may consider yourself to be a...
How to Use Your Smartphone to Become a Citizen Scientist, Part 2
Our exploration of how to use your smartphone to become a citizen scientist continues with a look at five more research projects that are crowdsourcing important data collection and analysis to interested, smartphone-owning volunteers. Inventorying your local...
How to Use Your Smartphone to Become a Citizen Scientist, Part 1
You already know that you can use your smartphone to undertake almost any task imaginable, ranging from booking a plane ticket to editing a video to monitoring chronic health issues. But did you know that you can also use your smartphone to contribute to important...