There’s no question that your smartphone is an amazingly handy device, able to help you with everything from managing a chronic medical condition to creating a feature film. But do you ever feel like you’re a little too dependent on your smartphone or perhaps you’re using it a little too much?

If you do, you’re not alone. When Deloitte conducted a survey on the mobile habits of British adults in 2017, 38 percent of the 4,150 respondents (aged 16 to 75) said they believed they were using their device too much. Those in the 16-24 age bracket seemed to be the most self-aware, with 56 percent agreeing that they are overusing their phone.

So, what should you do if you’d like to cut down on your screen time and reduce your device dependence? Ironically enough, one of the most useful tools could be your smartphone itself. These days, a growing number of apps are available that can help you cultivate healthier smartphone habits and find a better balance between your onscreen and offscreen activities. Some of the best include the following:



Understanding your habit can be a helpful first step in kicking it, and this is where Checky comes in. This basic app simply gathers data about how you use your phone, including how many times a day you unlock it, and logs this information over time to create a comprehensive and accurate picture of your device usage habits. As you work to cut down on your smartphone use, Checky can help you chart your progress.



Like Checky, Moment tracks your device usage, but it also allows you to set daily limits for how much screen time you want to restrict yourself to. If you exceed these limits, the app will notify you, and you can even give it permission to “force” you off your phone by filling your screen with irritating alerts when you try to raise your screen time limit. Helpfully for parents and families, you can also use Moment to track the use of another device from your own phone.




If apps are the thing that’s keeping you glued to your screen, AppDetox can help. With this app, you can easily create rules that limit your access to certain apps on a case-by-case basis. Most limitations can be set using the typical schedule or time-based restrictions, but there are more creative options, including one that requires you to walk a set distance to “earn” a particular amount of screen time. If you’re really struggling with a specific app, but it’s one that can’t be deleted from your phone, AppDetox also offers a “forever” option so that you can effectively get rid of the problem app for good.



Flipd and Off the Grid

These two apps take a more aggressive approach to keeping you off your device: rather than blocking particular apps or sites, they lock you out of your phone completely. With Flipd, there’s no possible way to cheat; once you’ve chosen the length of time for locking your device, there’s no way to disable the app (even restarting your phone won’t do it!). With Off the Grid, you can choose to use your phone after you’ve activated the app, but it’s going to cost you: each time you end your lockout session early, your credit card will be charged $1.



AntiSocial offers an interesting twist on the typical screen-reduction app. In addition to providing all the standard features like app blocking and screen time limits, it also lets you compare your screen usage data with aggregated data from your age and gender cohort so that you can get a sense of how your phone use habits compare with those of your peers.





If you’re really not sure where to start when it comes to correcting your smartphone habits, Space offers a more hands-on guide through the process of reducing your device dependency. After you’ve installed Space, the first thing you’ll do is complete a short questionnaire about how and when you use your phone. The app will then match you with a phone-user “type” and suggest associated goals for things like screen time and the number of times you unlock your phone. As you meet these daily goals, Space rewards you with different achievement badges.



If games are your weakness when it comes to overuse of your phone, Forest could be the app for you. Rather than using restrictions and limitations to adjust your device usage habits, as most of the apps above do, Forest gamifies the process. When you launch Forest, you start by planting a seed, which will eventually grow into a tree provided that you keep the app running and don’t navigate away from it (to check Facebook or play another game, for example). As soon as you leave Forest, the tree will die. Although this might seem like a silly gimmick, users report that it’s actually a highly effective, not to mention peaceful, way to steer clear of your phone’s many other temptations.